Waghadi River Ghatanji
Climate Change
Enhancing prosperity through irrigation

Average annual rainfall of Vidarbha region is 900 mm. Due to erratic nature of rain fall the expected crop production could not be possible in last year. The same thing was happened with the Rabbi crops and due to this the farmers have got in to trouble.
Agriculture is totally rain-fed. If the rain water fallen on surface is systematically checked and harvested the problem of drinking water could be solved and also remaining water could be used for irrigation. Due to lack of soil management the upper layer of fertile soil is going waste and storing in Nallas and lastly in Dams or reservoirs. Most of the dams, reservoirs have been got silted and lost their water holding capacity. Therefore, Rasikashraya had undertaken soil and water conservation work in Yavatmal district. During 2016 to 2022 the Organization has carried out soil and water conservation work in 30 villages of Ghatanji, Yavatmal, Pandharkawada and Kalamb blocks of Yavatmal district. The work mainly carried out was de-siltation of 17 tanks, Nala deepening in 9 villages, A revival of a river, farm bunding in one village and earthen dams in two villages. Total 1032 farmers got benefitted from these soil and water conservation activities. Around 5000 trees could be planted in 30 villages.

Total cubic meter work done 354964
Total 601 farmers have been benefited from deepening and widening of 19.6 canals as well as river revival work.
431 farmers applied silt to 851 acres of land resulting in increased soil fertility.
842 acres of land has been brought under irrigation.
Sustained increase in water storage of 412 wells and borewells.
Water storage of 176.62 TCM was made available in dams and ponds.
Water balance of 11 villages was prepared as this balance showed the effect of changes due to water conservation works.
Due to application of silt in agriculture, the fertility of the land has increased, and theincome ofthe farmers has increased sustainably due to water storage