Women empowerment is one of the most important points in the development process of the world. Government of India has made woman empowerment one of the prominent objectives. Our constitution has given equal rights and equal opportunities to males and females and the importance of sexual partnership has been recognized with regard to development.
Rasikashraya is one of the promoters of starting SHG in Ghatanji Tehsil area. SHG is an organization of the rural poor that works for elimination of poverty of its members and establishing economic freedom in the family. The group members save their money in monthly installments in a grouped manner and quench their daily needs. The group also work for solving their social and economical problems. Rasikashraya is making efforts to support groups in entrepreneurship development which will lead to employment generation and economic development. A counselling Centre is being run for women development along with supporting the families of widows whose spouse has committed suicide.

Women Development Program
​small businesses for livelihood of women SHG members by imparting them skills

A skill development project is being run in 30 villages and 9 slum wards in Ghatanji urban area with support for RG Manudhane Foundation for ExcellenceMumba. Total 6512 women members have been given training in various skills and the small enterprises have been promoted for their livelihoods. Total 159 SHG’s and 83 individual beneficiaries have been linked with bank, Umed project for receiving credit. Out of that 98 SHGs and 79 individual members have started their own enterprise. Rasikashraya made efforts in linking the SHG’s with market for marketing purpose of products. The organization is constantly supporting the SHG members who are progressing towards self-employment.
Support to women in sucide farmers families
The organization is working for the widows of suicide farmers and deserted women. The object behind this is to provide the family the immediate support and then to undertake income enhancement activities for their livelihoods. The 56 farm widows have been provided with immediate support of Rs. 15000/- each and 191 widows have been provided Rs. 25000/- each. The women have started goat rearing, sewing machine, Shevaya making and running Grocery shop. Some of the women have been extended support for irrigation and electricity connection.

Family Counseling Center
Rasikashraya has started Family counselling Centre in the year 2003 with support of the State and Central Social Welfare Board. Objective of this Centre is to resolve the family disputes. This project is being run in 105 villages of Ghatanji block. The cases of dowry demand, extra marital affairs, adultery, personality differences, interference of parents of wife or husband, liquor and drug consumption have been handled in the counselling Centre. Total 1981 cases have been handled till March, 2022 out of which 1507 cases were compromised and 310 cases were mutually solved.