Let’s ensure happy childhoods for children

Rasikashraya a group of young activists engaged in social work has established the organization in 1999. It has a General body and Executive committee comprising of 7 members each. It has gained lot of experience through working with experienced and leading organization in the field of rural development. Its area of operation is spread over in Two hundred sixty three villages in Ghatanji, Kalamb and Yavatmal blocks of Yavatmal district. It has created good rapport with the people under its area of operation. It works in partnership with beneficiaries by undertaking various developmental programmes especially relevant to the field of health, education, disability, elderly care, Disaster Management and agriculture & livelihood and skill up gradation. It has a devoted and dedicated team of workers.

Our Mission
Our aim is to spread out in the state of Maharashtra and to reach out to the poor families, substantially increase their income and upgrade their quality of life. Development through education and training is our route. This can be achieved by empowerment of women, upgrading the skills of the youth, rain water harvesting, addressing issues of persons with disability, elderly care, Disaster Management and other activities which would benefit the community at large. Our aim is integrated Development.
Our Vision
We are committed to the dissemination of information and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of underrepresented and marginalized sectors of society by undertaking integrated development of poor rural communities involving women, child, youth, farmers and the disables by drawing suitable programmes covering social, cultural, educational and human development aspects.

Our Impact
We are working towards our dream of a world where everybody experiences well-being, prosperity and dignity. Irrespective of geography, language, skill, social status, age, gender, caste, creed or ability

5 Block
in Yavatmal covered so far

278 Villages
Benefited our project

438 Group
Benefited Committees
2.5 + Lac
Benefited People
Legal Status
Registered under Societies Registration Act 1860
Registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950
Registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
Registration under CSR Activities
MHA/5416/1999 Date: - 15/03/1999
F- 5489 / Ytl. Date 20/7/1999
084010041 Date 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2027
Exemptions under income tax
12 A and 80G - AAATR5406PE20214
Assessment Year 2022-23 to 2026-27